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A warm and inviting fragrance of Roses petals and Patchouli.


The Roses adds a touch of freshness to Patchouli's earthiness, while Patchouli adds nuance, warmth and compexity to the Roses sweetness rezulting on a perfect blend of scent. Premium soya wax and high therapeutic grade essential oils has been used for a delightful long-lasting scent.


A perfect gift for any occasion!


180ml reusable amber jar with black lid. Burns up to 30h


This candle is hand-poured in small batches in my workshop in Ashford, Co.Wicklow, Ireland. Hand labelled and hand wrapped in recyclable brown paper decorated with dry flowers

Decoration design may vary 



SKU: 7
  • Never leave a lit candle unattended. Always keep out of reach of childrens and pets. Place the candle on a stable heat rezistance surface.Avoid exposure to drafts. Never move a lit candle. Always store a candle in a cool dry place bellow 25 degrees C and away from direct sunlight.

    Failure to follow instructions could result in fire, hazard and injury.

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